Changing Command Keys: As a demonstration, lets assign Command Key B to the Shut Down menu item in the Special Menu. 1) Double Click on the System 7 Pack! icon to launch the program. (The Finder will automatically quit.) 2) Go to the File, Edit, or Special Menu and select a menu item. In this example, well select the Shut Down menu item from the Special menu. 3) A dialog box will appear. a) To change the command key, type a new character (letter, number, or symbol) in the command key box. In this example, well type a B (without the quotes) in this box. Do not hold the command key down, the option key, or any other key while you type that character. The System 7 Pack! automatically makes it a command key. b) To remove a command key, click on the Clear button. It will replace the command key box with No Key c) To change the name of the menu item, type a new name in the menu item name box. (This feature is only available for some menu items.) d) To save your changes, click OK. To cancel your changes, click Cancel. 4) To check the change you made in this example, pull down the Special menu and look at the Shut Down menu item. 5) Choose Quit from the Control Menu to quit the System 7 Pack! and save all changes. The Sleep command key is intended for use with Portable and PowerBook users as well as users of the Pyro screen saver. Anyone can edit the command key but only Portable and PowerBook users will benefit. Under the System Hacks Menu is a Hide Others/Show All menu item. Select this item to add a command key to the Hide Others and Show All menu items normally found under the application menu in the upper right hand part of your screen. The command key becomes a toggle key that you can press to hide other applications or to show all other applications. The command key you choose may not work in all applications, especially when the command key conflicts with a command key already stored in another application. No damage will occur nor will there be any bombs, but the toggle may not work. Also, Microsoft products do not appear to accept the command key. The Hide Others/Show All command key is actually stored in your System file. Therefore, the change will not take effect until you reboot. Please note that sometimes changed names will show up in the System 7 Pack!, but not show up in the Finder. Some systems seem to ignore the changed names, although there are no ill effects of changing the names even if they do not show up in the Finder. Command key changes work on 100% of all Finders.